Megasquirt Digi Dash
We added a pretty cool feature recently to our ’75 Rabbit build. Using a $50 Amazon Fire tablet and the android app available from DIY Autotune we are able to custom build digital dash displays in the car. For this setup we opted for the USB adapter cable instead of the optional bluetooth adapter. Setup took all of about 10 minutes, and that included time to register the product and load the app. With the app loaded up we simply powered up the car, connected the cable from the ECU to the tablet, and we instantly had full read out of out chosen sensors right there on the tablet. The Tunerstudio based app also has a guage template editor making it possible to display our date in any form we choose. This is a super simple and awesome addition to our project, we will update with our final mounting and gauge template display when we get that all sorted out.

Mohamed zaheer
Hi how are you.I am interested in the dsg controller and would like to know how much it cost and how easy its to fit and does it comes with a manual.Thanks
Please shoot us an email brendon@ralleytuned.com for more info!